Why do we sign our kids up for sports!? What do we go to their events for!? These are all questions I have asked my self over the years! I am raising 5 children (4 boys, 1 girl). And, all five are involved in sports in some way! So, I have asked my self this…
Trauma, Basic Needs and the Brain Stem!
Trauma (10 minute read) There are many forms of trauma that include: chronic-meaning long term exposure to trauma such as domestic violence, family trauma (generational), acute trauma-single event that exposes the body to a high level of stress, physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, humiliation and the list goes on. A lot of factors…
Hello world!
This is a quick site for you to access, that summarizes helpful parenting tips and and resources. If your like me and have very little time to read an entire book, or feel overwhelmed with life, children, work, etc. You may not have time to read parenting books or browse the millions of articles and…